How Web 3.0 will shape the next internet revolution

Web 3.0 is bringing about a digital revolution that will render manual communication methods obsolete and establish an ecosystem where no single platform or entity will be able to effectively regulate your online activity.
For the sake of argument, let's say that we are not yet at Web 3.0 because the technologies that will get us there have not fully developed. Web 3.0 still lacks a clear definition, but its key characteristics include automation, decentralization, permissionless-ness, connection, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning.
The next internet revolution is now under development and promises to give users more control over web content. The goal of Web 3.0, which is based on the blockchain technology that powers bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, is to do away with all significant middlemen, such as centralized governing bodies or repositories.
The definition of Web 3.0 is automation.
Benefits of Web.3.0
Digital crypto wallets - Anyone can establish a wallet that serves as a digital identity and enables transactions. You don't have to keep your information on file or open an account with a centralized service provider.
Your wallet is completely under your control, and you can frequently use the same wallet on several blockchains.
Blockchain makes it simple to distribute information and authority transparently across a large group of people. This contrasts with Web 2.0, where powerful tech companies control substantial portions of our online life.
Digital economies - New digital economies are created when it is possible to use decentralized transactions and own data on a blockchain. These make it simple to value and exchange online products, services, and content without the need for personal or financial information. This transparency makes financial services more accessible and gives customers the ability to start earning.
Interoperability - Data and on-chain DApps are becoming more and more compatible. The DApps, wallets, and tokens of blockchains created using the Ethereum Virtual Machine may seamlessly support one another. This increases the ubiquity required for a connected Web 3.0 experience.
In conclusion, Web 3.0 is bringing about a digital revolution that will render traditional communication methods obsolete and establish an ecosystem where no single platform or entity will be able to effectively regulate your online activity.
The long path of the Internet's evolution will undoubtedly lead to many versions. Websites and applications are evolving toward a more immersive web experience as a result of the enormous boom in data that is now readily available. Although Web 3.0 currently has a clear definition, advancements have already begun. The direction we are heading in is obvious, and blockchain, of course, appears to be a crucial component of the Web 3.0 future.
It is Web 3.0's turn to transform the business scene in the 2020s, just as Web 2.0 became the primary driving force in the business landscape in the 2010s.